Salt Flast Uyuni – Bolivia


Trips to the Salar de Uyuni are an unforgettable experience but unfortunately the general standard of facilities and services are not very high in this remote area. We would like to make it clear that things are not as reliable, comfortable and professional as we would like on these tours so for this reason we do not promise more than what you will receive for your money. The accommodations & food will be basic. Due to the harshness of the terrain vehicle breakdowns are common. Still interested? Good, you should be because if you can put up with a bit of hardship you should have a great time. Take some extra snacks, plenty of warm clothes and a sleeping bag (can be rented) and the accommodations won’t feel so bad. The drivers are used to breakdowns and are pretty adept at fixing their vehicles, they are always willing to help each other out and you are usually not stuck for long – so a bit of patience is often all you need. We believe if you are informed truthfully about the possible negative aspects of the tours you can prepare yourself better and will have a more positive experience. Itinerary


We will Uyuni in the morning around 11:00 am and first visit the train cemetery where you can see the old rusting trains from decades ago. After this we process to Colchani and witness how the salt is processed before we arrive to the Salt Flats themselves and see the “Ojos de Sal” where water bubbles up through the salt plains. We will see where the salt has been laced in mounds ready to be transported, the original salt hotel (no longer used for guests) and visit Inca Huasi (Fish Island) to see the giant cacti and have great views of the salt flats all around. There will be plenty of time for taking amazing photos amd taking in the amazing place that is the Salt Flats themselves. As the afternoon moves on we will drives towards Volcan Tunupa (or Thunupa as it sometimes known) to see its the earth colors of its slopes before heading back towards Uyuni.


  • Transportation in 4×4 vehicle
  • English Speaking Guide
  • Driver (sometimes the Guide is also the driver – depending on availability)
  • Meals during the tour (take extra snacks as food can be quite plain)


  • Transport to Uyuni
  • Entrance fees – 30Bs for Isla Inca Huasi
  • Water – you recommend you purchase 2 liters per person , per day to take with you.
  • Breakfast on first day, dinner on last day
  • Sunglasses & Sun cream
  • Additional snacks and beverages