Quad Bike Maras Moray in Cusco



Located west of Cusco at 3300 m. From there you can appreciate the Urubamba mountain range of snowy peaks and “Veronica” (5682 m) and the “Chikon” (5530 m) Its important occupation began when Cuzco nobles were stripped Inkan of his palaces in Qosqo and had to leave to settle in other small towns such as Maras. It has a church made of adobe, typical small-town religious architecture, the interior of the church was saved from the Cusco School paintings.


It is about 7 km southwest of Maras, is the archaeological unique in the region. These gigantic natural depressions or holes in the ground surface were used to construct in outline farming terraces with their irrigation canals, is thus a prototype greenhouse or experimental biological station quite advanced for its time that helped American man of antiquity mankind inherit 60% of plant products consumed, the Andean people consume one and a half thousand different varieties of potatoes, one hundred and fifty of corn, and many other products.


  • ATV (Safety helmet and goggles)
  • ATV professional guide
  • Cusco Transportation
  • Meals
  • Camping Equipment